The Rogue’tober Fest Video Contest
One year ago, when Silent Shadows’ community was below 500 members on Discord, and the website was still under construction, I started a mini video contest on Discord named the rogue’tober tricks challenge. The purpose of it was to share different tricks from different perspectives on our social media (Youtube/Twitter) to start building the hype around BC Classic rogue moves. For this 2nd edition, the concept goes deeper.

The challenge
During October, the players from Silent Shadows’ community are invited to create a video to showcase their playstyle. The content must be recorded on BC Classic servers and include PVP (Rogue POV, of course).
At the end of the month, a jury composed of Silent Shadows staff members (admins, contributors, mods) and from our council/trusted rogues volunteers will vote for the best video, based on a list of things to check (read below for more information). On top of that, the feedback from the community will be considered as well.
Prize pool
For this event, we would like to reward the winner with a prize pool!
There will be a base donation from Silent Shadows, and it will grow based on the community contributions.
– From 2 to 10 participants: The winner will be awarded with the prize pool and win a 1 month gametime card.
– From 11 to 20 participants: The winner receives 80% of the prizepool, and the second winner gets 20% of the prize pool + the game time card.
The prize pool is 300-€, thanks to our community donations
Warcraft Suprise Gifts
To make this event even more amazing, I have also contacted Warcraft to share our video contest project in order to be partnered.
I am extremely proud to confirm that the 1st, 2nd, and 3r place, will be awarded by a Classic Burning Crusade Deluxe Edition (65,99€).
In addition, every participant will be awarded a 60 days game time card (25.98€).
How to be eligible for the contest?
To be eligible,
– The video must use one of our 3 intros available here.
– The video must be about Rogue PVP on Burning Crusade Classic.
– The video has to last between 3 and 8 minutes.
Content :
– PVP: Can be arena, duels, battlegrounds or world pvp, or a mix of those.
– RP scenes and cinematics allowed but must not represent more than 30% of the video
– Preferably no stream layout or a very minimalist one (no webcam, no notification spam)
– 720p at least up to 4K quality.
– Using music is highly recommended.
– Collaboration are accepted (be it for recording or editing)
Upload: The video can be hosted on your YouTube if you want, but it will also be uploaded on our YouTube channel for the vote (read below for more information).
Deadline for the entries: November 7th
Results: November 14th
How we rated the entries
The jury will rate the video following these conditions:
Audio: (up to 3 points)
– Low (1): has music.
– Medium (2): music fits well with the content + some sound effects
– High (3) : music fits well with the content, sound effects, and some synchronization between the music and the clips.
Video (up to 5 points)
– Low (1): The video contains rogue PVP clips on BCC
– Medium (3): The video contains rogue PVP clips on BCC + skillful plays and well-organized clips
– High (5): The video contains rogue PVP clips on BCC, skillful plays, and well-organized clips + contains nice cinematics or 3D.
Creativity (up to 3 points)
– Low (1): Poorly edited, not special atmosphere/storyline
– Medium (2): Aesthetically pleasing to watch
– High (3): Great job at editing to make the video unique
Community feedbacks also matters!
The video which receives the most LIKE (thumbs up) on our YouTube channel will be awarded a bonus of +3 points.
The second-best with +2 points,
And the third-best +1 point.
Basically, there are a total of 12 points to collect
In case of two videos receive the exact same amount of points, the community will choose through a poll on discord.
Roguetober Fest 2021 – Video Contest Results
Contest jury & Entries
The Rogue’tober Fest Jury
Our jury is made up of 9 members from the community.
Silent Shadows Team:
– Sbkzor – Founder
– Kayhinae – Head-Mod
– Mlpwny – Co-writer
Silent Shadows’ CommunityTrusted Rogues:
– Booch
– Mctwist
– Wherefore
Guest of honor Jury:
– Rokman –
– Vnni – warcraftmovies
– Perplexity – Silent Shadows’ Community Figure
Contest entries
The contest received 10 contest entries from the following players:
– Angelsquad (Sulfuron EU),
– Reklez (Gehennas EU),
– Strain (Finkle EU),
– Stal (Sufluron EU),
– Sinz (Sulfuron EU),
– Petraxs (Gehennas EU),
– Pounce (Benediction US),
– Rallik (Azuresong US),
– Yessa (Zandalar Tribe EU)
– Luvsic (Benediction US)
All the videos are uploaded ou onr YouTube channel, and listed in a dedicated playlist : 🎃 Rogue’tober Fest Video Contest (2021) | Contest entries
🥇 1st place: @Huge (Yessa)
– 300€ (from @SilentShadows) + 1x BC Classic Deluxe Edition + 1x 60 days Gametime Card (from @Warcraft_EU)
You receive congratulations from the jury with an average score of 10,22/11and the maximum rating from 6 of our jury members.
Your video also was the 2nd most liked (68 thumbs up) video in this contest so you received +2 bonus points, meaning a final score of 12.22.
🥈 2nd place: @Petraxs
– 1x BC Classic Deluxe Edition + 1x 60 days Gametime Card (from @Warcraft_EU)
Petraxs entry was the second best-rated video with an average score of 8.44/11 from the jury. This entry also was the 3rd most liked video on YouTube (55 thumbs up) and received +1 bonus point from the community. This makes a final score of 9.44
🥉 3rd place: @Rallik
– 1x BC Classic Deluxe Edition + 1x 60 days Gametime Card (from @Warcraft_EU)
Rallik’s video was, according to the jury 7th ex-eco in the contest with 6.00/11, but also the most liked entry (94 thumbs up) and received +3bonus points making a final score of 9.00
Warcraft extra rewards:
The most important was to reward everyone during this contest.
Thanks to @Beeby, @pouncex (synergist), @Luvsic, @Strain @Reklez @Sinz and Angelsquad for your participation,
You all win 1x 60 days Gametime Card (from @Warcraft_EU)

Keep in mind that this contest was open to every player. You don’t need to be an old R14 or S1 gladiator rogue to create your videos and if you want us to host them on our Youtube, please, be our guest! See you next year for the Rogue’tober Fest 2022!
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