Useful rogue macros for TBC
We’ve prepared a list of useful macros, which is of course not exhaustive as there are a lot of them and many variations of the same functions. The purpose of this article is to deliver what we thought would be the most popular and useful ones to use as a rogue on TBC, based on your feedback.
The most popular syntax for the Sap macro on TBC is the following one :
#showtooltip Sap
/cast Sap
For more information or variations of this macro, check our dedicated TBC Sap macro article.
In-depths macros guides
Why should you use macros?
Using macros is not mandatory, but it’s a great way to optimize your playstyle. Players are often using macros for three major reasons:
– Speed when executing a sequence of abilities (eg. Cloak of Shadows + Vanish for example, or Premeditation+Cheapshot)
– Security (eg. /stopattack or /castsequence macros)
– Ease (eg. /focus macros to control a second enemy without swapping target)
They can also be used for checking your stats, such as the avoidance score macro (in our TBC Rogue Tank Guide) or improve your graphics and much more…
The point of a macro is to reply to a specific need. It serves a purpose (Speed, security, ease as explained above) that relies on your own experience, and how you’d like to improve it.
For this reason, we wouldn’t force you to play with a macro or another (except maybe the popular Sap macro which is a must-have for a PvP’er, but you are free to play without it and discover what makes it so important). A lot of things are possible with macros and scripts on TBC, and the best is to discover what would help you to become better at what you’re doing without being told to use a macro that you’re not even sure how to use efficiently.
There are players that are using every single slot of macros and others using barely five macros and still play better. If you take our advice, take your time also to define your needs. You’ll figure out what you need quite easily just by playing in various situations.
How to write macros?
Writing macros requires you to use multiple specific terms such as /cast, /target, /focus, /castsequence, /use, /equip
etc. You can find a complete list of macro commands on wow.gamepedia (Note that some of them appeared after TBC and may not work on Classic TBC)