Disc Priest Rogue 2v2 Guide | Burning Crusade (by Deadlycoward)
We do not encourage scripted gameplay. This is not the aim of such guides. We do not claim to have the most efficient tactic available, nor is it possible to devise one given the nature of Classic TBC and random variables involved such as RNG. But much like a musician needs to practise other composers’ work before improvising, we believe that there are certain strategies which you can follow if you are not confident about various match ups. Once you acquire the experience necessary, you will be able to play off-script and on the fly, having developed a keen eye for situations and how to make the most out of them to win.

General Informations
Hey, I am Deadlycoward from Romania. I am a veteran rogue player who loves playing with a Disc Priest. This guide is written from a Horde perspective as Undead Rogue / Undead Priest. I have played this comp for many years and reached the highest ratings with it on every competitive server, most recently finishing as server’s Rank 2 with 2400+ rating during season 1 on Endless.gg – a private server who reunited the best TBC competitors. During season 1, on BC Classic, Qeqx and I ended with 2919 rating (top 10 EU, and top 11 world) and grabbed the Infernal Gladiator title.
Recommended race
I prefer playing Undead because of Will of the Forsaken. To me, it‘s one of the best PvP racials for DP/R because it really allows one to save cooldowns (like cloak/trinkets), making it extremely useful in TBC.
My Rogue Specialization
As a DP/R rogue player, I always use the same build from season 1 to season 4 found here:: Hemo/Step Build with Imp. Expose Armor
I choose to have 2 points in Improved Expose Armor because it’s a nice tool to get more pressure on priests and resto druids, but even warriors and locks.
Disc Priest Specialization
One of my favorite partners, Uzbeki, was using the following spec:
Discipline Spec by Uzbeki
Must have macros for DP/R Arenas
For playing Disc/Rogue, I’d say that my most important macros are all the /focus ones:
/cast [target=focus] Blind |
/cast [target=focus] Kick |
/cast [target=focus] Shadowstep /cast [target=focus] Kick |
/cast [target=focus] Sap |
Matchups developed in this guide
Healer/DPS comps
|||||||||| – DPriest/Rogue
|||||||||| – DS/Rogue
|||||||||| – Druid/Hunter
|||||||||| – Druid/Lock
|||||||||| – Druid/Warr
|||||||||| – Hpala/Warr
|||||||||| – Rsham/Warr
|||||||||| – DPriest/Mage
|||||||||| – DPriest/Lock
|||||||||| – Druid/Mage
|||||||||| – Rsham/Ret
Double DPS comps
|||||||||| – Mage Rogue
|||||||||| – Spriest /Rogue
|||||||||| – Rogue Rogue
|||||||||| – Lock Rogue
|||||||||| – Feral Rogue
|||||||||| – Warrior / Warlock
|||||||||| – Spriest Mage
|||||||||| – Spriest / Warlock
Healer/Dps comps
vs. Discipline Priest / Rogue
Difficulty: 5/10
Your goal
- Focus rogue most of the time.
- Focus priest IF rogue is under control and/or enemy Priest is in a bad position where he can get dispelled by your mate.
At start, you need to be careful not to get in combat from the enemy priest casting Mass Dispel, because if you do, your priest might be sapped and fully dispelled, which would put you in a bad situation.
In case you sap the enemy priest and your priest partner succeeds in dispelling the one opposite, let him Fear your enemy priest before you open and let him Mana Burn. The enemy priest will rather use WoTF or trinket to prevent getting burned, and this might force the rogue opponent to open on your mate. This way, you can start on him.
If the priest does not use trinket and enemy rogue stays in stealth then open the priest.
– Always keep an eye on the enemy priest for a good position where u can kill him
– Try to restealth as much as you can with a Crippling Poison Shiv on the priest.
– Always keep Cloak of Shadows for a Greater Heal (to remove wounds).
– In case you get sapped just continue fighting rogue.
vs. Druid / Rogue
Difficulty : 9/10
Your goal
- Kill rogue on 2nd Blind
- Kill druid whenever you have a good switch opportunity!
- Kill druid if you find him during the opener (but this isn’t a strategy unless you are playing human, I guess)
At start, you have to wait for the rogue to open your priest. But sometimes, some RD teams will try to land a sap on your priest with the druid getting out trying to shout you out of stealth if you sit too close to your partner. So stay away from your priest every time to avoid this! Do not underestimate this combo, even with a perfect opener they’ve got some advantages.
There is only one way to fight them:
Sit around pillar, land every fear on the rogue, try to get a restealth, and a new opener!
You can play this way to kill the rogue with a full Blind on the druid. The other way is to catch the druid in human form while having the enemy rogue controlled after a successful Fear followed by Sap/Blind when he has no trinket.
It’s pretty rare to get the following situation, but if you get the druid at the beginning in cat form, you can try to kill him. That will require you to have your trinket and at least 1 Vanish. (even better if the enemy rogue has Blind on cooldown so you can trinket Kidney Shot to land a kill on druid). Still hard to kill.
vs. Druid / Hunter
Difficulty : 10/10
Your goal
Kill pet/hunter or druid.
At the start, you need to try to get a Sap on the hunter.
When Flare needs almost 0.1 sec to expire, go for a Sap. If the druid gets out just go druid with a Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot – Gouge, with no DoTs from the priest nor bleed from you, so your priest can Fear him!
If he doesn’t trinket, try to Sap him after Fear. This way you get a new opener but the hunter will do his best to stop you. He can use Flare and the Frost Trap will constantly root you.
This is why I hate facing hunt/druid – there are so many RNG Roots because of the Frost Trap – and I haven’t even mentioned the permanent mana drain on your priest through Viper Sting.
But if you succeed with this, the druid will have to trinket or he will be dead.
– If he doesn’t use trinket – fully bleed him + DoT and he will surely be dead
– If he uses trinket, then Blind him and restart with full bleeds / DoTs on him and try to finish him…. And pray you don’t get rooted every second.
The other way is to kill the pet and Mana Burn the hunter – but even if you succeed with this, it’s still hard to keep a good hunter from reviving his pet. Also winning the mana game is difficult because of drains (make sure your priest is on the lookout for any attempts to revive the pet).
So there’s not much you can do vs hunter/druid because they have significant CC avoidance + mana drain – it’s just hell to fight it. I mostly lose to every decent HD.
vs. Druid / SL Warlock
Difficulty 7/10
Your goal
- Most of the time, kill the warlock’s pet then the warlock
- More rarely, kill the druid.
Open with a Sap on the lock with full dispel and then keep sticking on the lock with hard damage. Use your Blind on the druid.
The next options are:
– Just oom druid with hard damage on lock
– Kill lock with burst on 2nd blind
– Kill pet when the druid is drinking or not paying attention (be ready to Kick pet summon with Fel Domination if so – Mind-numbing poison helps for this).
Killing the pet is better because you will be able to get CC on druid as there will be no Devour Magic to dispel the Fear.
vs. Druid / Warrior
Difficulty 7/10
Your Goal
- Most of the time your goal is to kill warrior
- Druid can also be killed if you manage to get a good opener on him
You can start it in two ways:
– Sap warrior and your priest should try to fake him to use Berserker Rage so you can get a new re-sap with full dispels/cast from priest.
– After the sap you can wait for the priest to 1v1 the warrior while you Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot the druid, allowing your priest to approach for a free Fear. Alternatively, you start on the warrior as well with full bleeds and Shadowstep, using Blind on the druid.
– In case you wanna kill the druid he must-have trinket on cooldown and then you need to catch him in human form after some kite and restealth, preferably with the warrior having his Disarm and Intercept on cooldown.
vs. Holy paladin / Warrior
Difficulty 7/10
Your Goal
- Kill warr 90% of the time
- Killing Pala with a few Mana Burns on him
I personally start paladin with Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot, but I wait for the warrior to charge me before using Kidney Shot. After the warrior gets to me, I use my Kidney on pala and swap to the warrior to set up big pressure.
FAQ : Why not sapping pala and open warrior?
Because if you Sap the paladin at start, the warrior will probably kite your opener which annihilates your opening burst phase. When facing Warr/Pala, your opening burst phase is very important, and sometimes you can end the game very fast with good pressure
Damage paladin at start until warrior charges you, then CC on Pala with a chain which will look like:
Kidney Shot pala / Fear / Sap / Blind / Shadowstep Kick / Vanish Cheap Shot / Kidney Shot on pally – and warrior should be dead.
If they get lucky resists or something (timely Intervene, etc) then you can always go around a pillar and try to reset/restealth but the aggressive strategy works 90% of the time.
vs. Resto shaman / Warrior
Difficulty 5/10
Your Goal
Kill the warrior
Pretty much the same tactic as Hpala/Warrior.
Go warrior aggressively with stuns, kicks, and fears on the shaman.
vs. Discipline Priest / Frost Mage
Difficulty 7/10
Your Goal
You have two options for this matchup :
- Focus Kill mage by making him run out of mana
- Sap priest and after fully dispelling him, kill him
Depends on who you want to kill, but in either case, Sap the kill target
– if you want to kill priest: Sap him and, after dispelling him, go hard with Cheap Shot / Expose Armor / Vanish / Garrote / Kidney Shot. He will trinket but stick to him. Don’t try this vs. dwarves.
Tip: Never go aggressive vs DP/M or you will lose it
The most important tip is that you must kite the mage around the pillar, with a lot of Mana Burns on him from your priest and you trying to restealth as much as possible.
If you just go full aggressive there is no way you win because mage can kill you easily with dispels from his priest and Counterspells/Polymorph on your priest!
Always keep your Cloak up so that, after you have used it, you start near a pillar until you have it again. Always Crippling Poison Shiv both opponents when you kite.
vs. Discipline Priest / SL Warlock
Difficulty 7/10
Your Goal: (you have two options for this matchup)
- Kill priest (not applicable if he’s dwarf)
- Kill lock with high pressure on him
– If you kill priest: same as above described for DP/M.
– If you want to kill lock: you must Sap priest as well and keep high pressure.
If you fail and look like you are dying, you can Crippling Poison Shiv both and kite – but not around the pillars, just run long distances. It is better vs Disc / Lock because they don’t have any poison dispel.
For example, at Ruins of Lordaeron, you can run from one starting room to the other.
vs. Druid / Frost Mage
Difficulty 5/10
Your Goal (you have two options for this matchup)
- Kill mage by making him run out of mana
- Kill druid after his trinket
Opener / Strategy
Open with a Sap on the mage, dispels from your priest, and focus him with Mana Burns.
It’s pretty easy to kite and avoid CCs because your priest can dispel everything except cyclone. So OOM the mage and kill him (easy recover/kite vs. this comb). *Also, you can kill druid in human form without trinket because your priest can dispel you.
vs. Resto shaman / Retribution paladin
Difficulty 7 /10
Your Goal
Kill the paladin
Opener / Strategy
Sap the paladin, dispel, go on him with burns and only Kidney Shot him when your priest gets stunned or when he uses Blessing of Freedom, allowing your priest to dispel it. Just stick to pala who should be an easy kill after he has no mana left.
Double Dps comps
vs. Frost Mage / Rogue
Difficulty 7/10
Your Goal
Most of the time, you kill rogue, but you can rarely kill mage.
Try to avoid getting sapped; if you do, the mage will Spellsteal you and you could easily die. Keep a good distance from your priest.
The mage will likely use invisibility and the rogue will sap your priest. The mage will Spellsteal your priest and during the last 2 seconds of the rogue’s Sap the mage will start casting Polymorph to steal the remaining buffs. It is at this point when you must Shadowstep/Garrote to stop that. At that point, they either Cheap Shot/Counterspell priest and Polymorph you or they go hard on you. If you get sheeped, while your priest is getting shattered, consider using your trinket to stop this. Even if you get a full blind it is better to just try to Vanish as soon as possible and go on rogue with Cheap Shot / Kidney Shot / Rupture. If you are the kill target, whether to trinket or not depends on the situation. Half the times you must trinket the Kidney Shot or you will die and the other half of the times you can save your trinket and sit in Cheap Shot / Kidney Shot, depending on whether your priest can heal freely or whether he can get a Fear. It is arguably a hard combo to win.
vs. Shadow priest / Rogue
Difficulty 5/10
Your Goal
Kill priest while CCing the rogue.
The key to winning here is to start killing the enemy priest as far as possible from your priest. Which is the reason why, when the game starts, you should prefer to rush on the Shadow Priest without even sapping him. Maintaining a distance such that he cannot dot or dispell your priest is crucial, as is that your priest gets in combat as fast as possible to avoid getting sapped.
Usually, the enemy rogue will also start on your priest but you should be able to kill a Shadow Priest faster than the enemy rogue being able to kill a Discipline Priest.
The enemy rogue may try to Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot – Sap you; if he succeeds and your priest gets in trouble, as soon as you are free Crippling Poison Shiv the Shadow Priest and Vanish – Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot the rogue for a Sap.
You will find that for some games you will need to defend your priest, while for other games you will get to play more offensively. If you open on the enemy Priest far away from your own Priest, who doesn’t get sapped, it should be an easy win. It is argued that DP/R counters SP/R.
vs. Rogue / Rogue
Difficulty 7/10
Your Goal
Kill either one of them fast
Strategy / opener
Your priest must sit with his back against a wall so that he does not get garroted. You must stand away from him so you do not get sapped. As soon as they start, go hard on one rogue with bleeds / Vanish – Cheap Shot – Eviscerate so that he dies fast until the Blind Diminishing Return resets. It is really easy to lose this match up because of the RNG involved with a missed Blind or a Sap on you. If your priest is in real trouble you must Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot the other rogue fast so that your priest survives. It is easy to die if Blind misses.
vs. SL Warlock / Rogue
Difficulty 7/10
Your Goal
- Kill Lock more often than not
- Kill Rogue only if u sap him and lock is away
Rush Lock with Sprint and try to avoid getting Sapped by all means. If you succeed, the enemy rogue will start on you with Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot.
Do not trinket the first Kidney Shot.
Just proceed to killing lock hard and if your priest is good at healing / faking you should be able to win.
vs. Feral Druid / Rogue
Difficulty 6/10
Your Goal
Kill the feral druid
When they open on your priest, open on the feral druid fast with bleeds and good damage. Meanwhile CC the rogue with Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot – Blind – Sap. You must open them fast so that the feral does not have time to damage your priest a lot. Also pray for no Fear resist as the game could be over very soon. The feral can kite around the pillar and if you go there without a trinket, allowing the enemy rogue to Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot you behind the pillar you are dead if your priest cannot reach to heal you.
vs. Warrior /SL Warlock
Difficulty 4/10
Your Goal
Kill the warrior
The key here is to open on the warrior as far away from your priest as possible. Try to sap the warlock and go hard on the warrior with everything you got. If he cannot charge your priest for big damage it is over for them. Should be an easy win if you are not found and get the Sap. If they go on you, keep damaging the warrior but if you get low Crippling Poison Shiv them both and kite around the pillar while the priest is healing you. Then you can return to the warrior.
vs. Spriest / Mage
Difficulty 7/10
Your Goal
Kill the priest
The opener can determine a lot versus this combo. It is important that your priest dispels the shadow priest. Open with Sap on mage but be careful to do it at max range as he might trinket – Frost Nova you out of stealth, which can spell big trouble for you. If you succeed in kiting it re-sap and go on shadow priest. Your priest must rush the shadow priest as well to dispel him. Some mages are tricky and only trinket when they have your priest in range and line to sheep him, thus preventing him from reaching their shadow priest. If this happens, you can sap the shadow priest and wait for your priest to catch up, or even Cheap Shot – Kidney Shot the mage just to let your priest within reach of the enemy priest for dispels. You can also win vs this combo by kiting around the pillar throughout the whole game, provided that you do a perfect kite.
vs. Shadow priest / Affliction Warlock
Difficulty 4/10
Your Goal
Kill the priest
One of the easiest tactics:
Just Sap the lock and go hard on the shadow priest with a lot of dispels and pressure. You can’t lose this matchup.
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