First Aid Guide for Classic and TBC
On World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, rogues have no healing abilities to recover during fights. For this purpose, Bandages from the First Aid profession are particularly useful.
Benefits of first aid
Save for a few exceptions where a rogue can get healing from gear, normally the only ability that can restore some health is first aid, which is why leveling this secondary profession should be a priority.
– Bandage allows you to quickly heal yourself or your partner(s).
– It has to be channeled for 8 seconds (without moving) to be fully applied,
– At level 70, the Heavy Netherweave bandage restores 3400 health points.
– It has a 15yards range to be used on an ally.
As a rogue, bandages are a great tool to use during full saps, blinds, or any other 10-seconds crowd control on your enemies or while being out of their line of sight and range. Further to that, it’s not necessary to be out of combat to use it.
Just remember that you can use a bandage effectively in the following circumstances:
– if you do not have a harmful spell / DoT on yourself,
– you are not attacked by someone in a fight,
– you do not have a debuff applied to you that limits the use of Bandage.
– Last but not least, bandaging breaks stealth.
Required materials for First Aid leveling
From experience, the fastest way to complete your first aid skilling is to gather all materials before starting so you can quickly rush to the first quest.
Material for First Aid on Classic
Linen Cloth = Min.: 120, Est.: 150,
Wool Cloth = Min.: 105, Est.: 125,
Silk Cloth = Min.: 90, Est.: 140,
Mageweave Cloth = Min.: 70, Est.: 90
Runecloth = Min.: 50, Est.: 70 (until 300 skill)
Material for First Aid on The Burning Crusade
Runecloth = Min.: 180 (for TBC Part, 300 – 330),
Netherweave Cloth = Min.: 110 (for TBC Part, 331 – 375)
Note: The amount of cloth required will depend on how lucky you are. You have to skill up on crafts that are already green and do not give a 100% skill chance (or 50% for yellow ones).

First Aid Guide on Classic (1-300)
First Aid Skill 1-40-80-115-150
Skill range: 1 to 40 (requires level 5)
– Craft Linen Bandage learned from FA Trainer (1 Linen Cloth per Bandage)
Skill range: 40 to 80 (requires level 10 from 75+ skill)
– Craft Heavy Linen Bandage learned from FA Trainer (2 Linen Cloths per Bandage).
Skill range: 80 to 115
– Craft Wool Bandage learned from FA Trainer (1 Wool Cloth per Bandage).
Skill range: 115 to 150
– Craft Heavy Wool Bandage learned from FA Trainer (2 Wool Cloths per Bandage).
Quick tips/Warning:
We strongly advise you to be careful during this step. Demand for Wool Cloth can cause an extreme spike in its price during TBC launch… Instead of buying it from the Auction House, you can choose to farm it as well as sell some to earn gold during your leveling.
Traveling Part
Skill range: 150 to 180 (requires Expert FA and level min. 20+)
Note: Purchase all three books from your faction’s vendor:
– Alliance: Deneb Walker – Arathi Highlands (Stromgarde Keep)[Coord.: 90.75,91.19]
– Horde: Balai Lok’Wein – Duskwallow March (Brackenwall Village)[Coord: 96.13, 82.42].
First Aid Books:
– Expert First Aid – Under Wraps,
– Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage,
– Manual: Mageweave Bandage.
– Craft Silk Bandage learned from FA trainer (1 Silk Cloth per Bandage).
Skill range: 180 to 210
– Craft Heavy Silk Bandage learned from Book (2 Silk Cloths per Bandage).
Skill range: 210 to 240 (requires 225+ First Aid Quest and level min. 35+)
– Craft Mageweave Bandage learned from Book (1 Mageweave Cloth per Bandage).
Note: at skill 225+ you should do FA Quest. Complete the following quest:
– Alliance: Triage (Quest Name), given by Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in Duskwallow March
(Theramore) [Coord: 70.61, 79.33],
– Horde: Triage (Quest Name), give by Doctor Gregory Victor in Arathi Highlands
(Hammerfall) [Coord: 50.25, 96.84].
You can skill up to 225 then you can do this quest or you can skill up to 240 but later you have to do this quest if you want to get to the next skill level.
Skill range: 240 to 260
– Craft Heavy Mageweave Bandage learned from your previous NPC’s which you have received quests for FA. (2 Mageweave Cloths per Bandage).
Skill range: 260 to 290
– Craft Runecloth Bandage learned from your previous NPC’s which you have received quests for FA. (1 Runecloth Cloth per Bandage).
Skill range: 290 to 300
– Craft Heavy Runecloth Bandage learned from your previous NPC’s which you have received quests for FA. (2 Runecloth Cloths per Bandage)
First Aid Guide on The Burning Crusade (300 to 375)
Note: First you have to learn Master First Aid which can be bought from
– Burko in the Temple of Telhamut (Hellfire Peninsula) [Coord: 22.4, 39.2]
– Aresella in Falcon Watch (Hellfire Peninsula) [Coord: 26.2, 62.0]
Tip: purchase also books from those vendors
Skill range: 300 to 330
– Craft Heavy Runecloth Bandage (2 Runecloth cloths per Bandage).
Skill range: 330 to 360
– Craft Netherweave Bandages learned from Book you purchase from those Vendors above. (1 Netherweave Cloth per Bandage).
Skill range: 360 to 375
– Craft Heavy Netherweave Bandages learned from a book you purchase from the vendors above. (2 Netherweave Cloths per Bandage.)