What you need to know about Warlock/Rogue
Rogue Warlock (often called RL for Rogue/Lock) is a team composition that looks a bit like Shadowpriest Rogue but with different strengths and weaknesses. Better controls, but no shield, one pet, but no consistent dispel etc. Let’s dive in the specificities of this comp.
👍 Can win long games.
👍 Paranoia is a great buff – similar to perception (a bit less powerful but better duration)
👍 Heal stone is very useful (can crit!)
👍 Good CC Chain: No DR between Fear/Sap/Blind/CS/KS/Coil (Fear can be chained too)
👍 No DR on Silence effects which allows 2x Garrote+2x Spell Lock
👍 Better damage/pressure than Spriest
👎 Like other double DPS: RNG is punishing. (KS resist, Blind miss)
👎 Dependent on openers. Being sapped as a rogue is not optimal at all
👎 Significantly harder if not playing Undead
👎 Warlock’s lack of mobility
👎 Require pet management (movements)
What are the Warlock/Rogue Counter comps?
– Good Disc/Rogue
– Good dwarf disc priest team such as Disc/Lock.
Optimal Rogue Build for Warlock/Rogue
It’s a matter of preference, but the popular shadowstep rogue build is a good pick.
Depending on the season, and the meta, you can also opt for the Shadowstep with Improved EA Build.
Burning Crusade Warlock/Rogue videos
Here’s a selection of interesting RL movies.
⛔ We do not promote private servers, however, a lot of movies done during the past decade on these servers are the best source of knowledge to get started with TBC Rogue Lock arenas.